Elaborate ceremony after getting a minor raise

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Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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16 Aug 2011, 5:15 pm

This year I was called in to my boss for an annual performance review. It's my first year at this company, but I've had many, many annual performance reviews in other workplaces. The boss wanted me to set goals for myself for the coming year. Fine, worked on a proposal overnight and submitted it.

Then the wierdness started. My boss approved a $10.00 a week salary increase. (A minor cost of living raise in my opinion.) I thanked him and thought that would be the end of the matter. A week later, he had me sign a form stating that I agreed with his assessment of my performance. Fine, no problem. Two weeks later still no raise on the paycheque, but my boss brings me a brown envelope and extends his hand for a handshake. Now I'm getting worried-Am I being let go? I shook his hand and took the envelople. In the envelope was a letter of confirmation confirming the raise, but no cheque. A week later, my bosses boss came to see me to congradulate me on my salary raise, I thanked him as well. The next day was a payday and still no increase on my paycheque. This week, I get paid again onThursday, I certainly hope to see the salary increase with back pay, but I wouldn't be surprised if something weirder happened?

So as an Aspie, I'm left totally confused by this behaviour. Why the elaborate ceremony about a minor 3% salary raise? Its not like I'm being promoted to a job that pays $10,000 more a year with a better rug ranking within the firm. The US government has printed more money in the last two years than they did in the last two hundred years; I fully expect to see triple digit inflation before long. The additional $10.00 a week won't go very far, I don't understand this ceremony function? What does it accomplish for NT's in a corporate culture? How should I properly react? What am I missing in my interpretation of this event?

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16 Aug 2011, 7:29 pm


A relevant discussion--you should politely thank your boss for the raise.

Yes, in this economy, a 3% raise is significant--means that you are one of the better workers in the company. If this is a company in which folks hang around 20 years or more, these little raises really add up. Not so much if you plan to jump from company to company.