I have to say that for the last couple of years I have been at home. My interests of course take me everywhere mentally. I found this great site where I could write for free and if enough people find my page and then also buy things that I can easily add, from such sites as Amazon and eBay, I could actually make a few bucks.
Here is one of my pages Autism: A Parent & Child Journey (http://www.squidoo.com/autism-autismo)that you can check out to see what I am talking about. Although there are a few topics that you cannot write about, most topics, especially those that Aspies love such as technology, science, gadgets, math, etc...are fair game. I can't say enough good things about this way of making money. Although it is hard work, I can assure you that it will be your dream job. I am currently making about 200USD a month from it, although I will admit I put many hours. I do believe you can make much more depending on what you know, write about, etc...
I had also done Zazzle, which is great, but I'm really not a great artist, although I have done ok. Some months I get about 100USD from them too.
It's not great money for everyone, but the potential is there. And if you have lots of free time, lots of interests, I do believe you can do quite well.
I hope this helps other Aspies out there find a job that to me, is the perfect job for Aspies.
Let me know if you write any pages. I'd love to share them on my twitter, facebook accts, etc.