You hit the nail right on the head!! ! Oh man, it does help to know that someone else actually understands it though. That damn VT player in your brain that replays the incident over and over to the point where you just want to scream! I tried the whole get drunk and sit in the dark thing and although it helped at the time, I just felt worse after and it upset people around me which I didn't want. Its just savage, they ARE morons, and I AM so much more intelligent that they are and yet they STILL get the better of me every time because my brain has some stupid error in producing the correct response...
So next comes tomorrow, and I have to go in pre-empting the situation that is likely to occur, which in turn makes me anxious which of course then heightens my AS and makes me more prone to saying (or not) completely stupid and inappropriate things, so I sit there, as quiet as possible, hoping to god that no one tries to have a conversation with me.
It's going to be a long day...
"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein