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13 Oct 2011, 8:26 am

I recently went from a 100 person company to a huge company that is not only in the US but overseas as well. I was wondering if these co pays are way too much. At my old company I paid $15 co pay to see a primary care doctor, or even a specialist. Even going to a walk in clinic on weekends was only $15. Generics were free, and brand names were around $35-$45. I was with this 100 person company for 10 years. I received the job just a few days after graduating from college. So I'm not used to being in this huge company with so much new hire paperwork to do and then go to this new hire orientation which will be a nightmarish commute. With this new company co pays are terrible! $30 to see a primary care doctor, and $50 to see specialists. The $50 is also seeing a walk in clinic. But yet people have said that higher co pays are good. WHY?? Through this huge company they do offer pet insurance which is strange since I never heard of a company offering that. Generics will be $10, and brand names $30-$60. I work for the Federal Government as a contractor, so I do work in Washington DC and take the metro train into work. I have been on this contract since June 2002. So my work duties hasn't changed, just my paycheck, my pay scale, insurance, etc changes.


If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)


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13 Oct 2011, 11:33 am

Did you investigate all this and make an informed decision based on total compensation before deciding to switch employers or did you decide simply based on cash pay? The new company's program does not sound unreasonable if there is something else available to you that you need that was not offered at the old company.


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17 Oct 2011, 8:39 am

I had no choice but to go with the larger company. The company I worked for lost the contract with Dept of Justice, so I had to go with the company who won the contract. My other company had no other contracts to put me on.


If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)


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17 Oct 2011, 9:50 am

Those new co-pay amounts you have are what I have now and have had for several years. They souncd typical and reasonable. Your old co-pays are crazy low!