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16 Oct 2011, 9:01 am

People that do small jobs like give out leaflets to people in there house such as the national heart foundation or just sell stuff on the streets... in general do you think its a very risky thing too do because you knock on house too house and you have no idea what kind off people are living there. people can be very random.

do you really need guts too do a job like that?

Even if your NT and got good social skills what your doing can be very dangerous becuase you just don't know what too expect when it comes too people.


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16 Oct 2011, 10:20 am

People doing canvassing for non-profits like that are trained by their organization in how to be safe doing it. When my husband managed an operation of that sort, he said the workers weren't allowed to go inside the houses, and everyone was picked up to go home at a rendezvous point, so if someone got into trouble while out knocking on doors there was someone making sure they got home again. These days everybody has a cell phone, too, and can call for help. So it's not much riskier than walking down a public street.