xmh wrote:
What would you want as an alternative to an online application form?
I would find an equally long paper-based application form far worse.
Retail and fast food often have in-store applications, with an in-store PC set up or paper applications.
Why not have someone else fill out the online application for you?
You apply online to dozens of places, and eventually get a call back.
If you don't get a call back, have your resume updated and edited (some community groups and college alumni offices edit resumes free).
If that doesn't work, find more fitting jobs to apply to.
Lower your standards if need be. Retail and fast food tends to have shorter apps and interviews.
If you haven't had a job in a few years, having a gap in work history on a resume might need to be explained. Find some volunteer work. List volunteer work on resume. Then, apply to more jobs that you meet all of the qualifications for. Then, apply to some a few levels lower.