It depends on what you look at for me, I apply to quite a few jobs, even if I don't feel I'm qualified for them (not grossly unqualified, just in the 2 or so years of experience shy of what they're looking for region). If you include all of those, I get contacted back maybe 10% of the time. The ones for which I'm qualified I hear back on some level about 50% of the time, with a phone interview about 25% of the time. I truly hate phones too, but in my field (engineering), job screenings typically start with a 30 minute phone interview, if they like you, you'll be brought in for a half-day or longer interview with several people (typically the person who would be your supervisor, their supervisor, the head of the engineering department, and someone from HR). I typically only get on site interviews around 1% of the time. Mind you, I've applied to nearly 1,000 jobs in the past 4 years, most of which was in the first two years, before I went back and spent 2 more years getting my Master's, I'm only just now heading back into the job market.