hanyo wrote:
DoodleDoo wrote:
If I was a girl and young enough I would go for the stripper job.
I thought of that when I was younger but there were multiple problems with that. One is that I just won't dance and am very awkward and uncoordinated. The other is that I have stretch marks which make me very self conscious. There was a strip club nearby I could have applied at but never did and it's probably better that I didn't since they got in trouble and got shut down.
Please understand what I am saying is not meant as an insult.
I could understand your reasons. It would be very frightening walking into a strip club to work the first time. As aspies we are not very comfortable in our own skin. I could find a million excuses why it was a bad idea. But really it would be just that, excuses. Really the bar is so low to get in, if your girl young and breathing your in, that's it.
This is all just my opinion, as aspies we have no innate ability in the world of projecting emotion or reading emotions/body language. Like everything else it has to be learned. And the only way to learn something is by doing it over and over again.
My thought is almost anything is better than staying home all day sleeping and feeling depressed.
If you have enough nerve to give it a try why not do it and see what happens.