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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Nov 2011, 10:28 am

So I recently started a job at a liquor store, as some of you may remember. i wrote a thread about it a couple weeks ago. Anyway, I've managed to not get fired so far and I've managed to learn some stuff but I have a problem. I seem to continually have the register out by the end of the night, that is to say, I have variance that is usually negative meaning that I've lost money. Its usually only a couple dollars but this is going to get bad if I don't get to a point where I stop doing this, and it starts looking like I'm just a s**t employee rather than someone who is knew. So does anyone have any advice? I feel like I've managed to stop making obvious mistakes and to be more aware when I have made a mistake, so therefore keeping the receipt and therefore a record of what went wrong. I think its partially me getting more tired as the evening goes on but it seems that I often just slip up and make little errors. I've started with one method of making sure I get a decent sleep the night before and don't do any strenous work during the day before a shift, but I feel like this won't be enough. Any advice would be appreciated.


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18 Nov 2011, 2:14 pm

pirate wrote:
...I seem to continually have the register out by the end of the night, that is to say, I have variance that is usually negative meaning that I've lost money. Its usually only a couple dollars but this is going to get bad if I don't get to a point where I stop doing this, and it starts looking like I'm just a sh** employee rather than someone who is knew.

I worked at Taco Bell for more than a year, and if there was a day where the register was perfect, that was the exception rather than the rule...and I wasn't the only one. I was not fired from there--I found another job.

My managers always told me to "count the change back" (that is, backwards to the customer) but I just got more confused when I tried to do that. I guess I would advise you to not rush when making change, even if the customer seems impatient, and maybe count it twice while making sure it matches the amount on the receipt.

If it's just a few dollars here and there, I don't think your boss will look at you too unfavorably--like I said, in my experience that's "normal." In some cases, you may even find yourself being OVER at the end of the night (that also happened) and that balances things out a bit.

Hope that helps. :)

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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18 Nov 2011, 10:23 pm

thanks man, that's reassuring. It could just be that I'm unsure about where I stand. In fact I think that's totally it. Maybe its an aspie thing wanting control and a sense of certainty about where I stand....or just a human thing wanting assurance, but I guess I just don't know where I stand and whether or not I'm a total outlier or just a typical new guy. My crafty imagination likes to invent bad scenarios so I guess that's probably what's happening, not to mention I'm relatively new to paid work...

I've generally been happy with my progress at the store though, I'm getting familiar with the stock and procedure. Furthermore I just try to keep telling myself: 'dude, you have aspergers, this is the first time you'v done a job like this and you have a lot of other personal obstacles going against you. This is just practice and it ultimately doesn't matter, so embrace it and get all the experience and money you can'!

That's a good idea about counting the change too, I've been working towards slowing down the process and making sure I always check how much change I'm meant to give, according to the til, but the idea of slowing down the change as I take it out is a good idea. I guess I'm not gonna be able to do it perfectly...just best to stay on board and try and look like and be a good employee as much as I can.

Anyone else got any advice, thoughts experiences?


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18 Nov 2011, 11:31 pm

pirate wrote:
...Furthermore I just try to keep telling myself: 'dude, you have aspergers, this is the first time you'v done a job like this and you have a lot of other personal obstacles going against you. This is just practice and it ultimately doesn't matter, so embrace it and get all the experience and money you can'!

Exactly. :) You're probably doing better than you think, too.

Glad I could help, take care.

The existence of the leader who is wise
is barely known to those he leads.
He acts without unnecessary speech,
so that the people say,
'It happened of its own accord.' -Tao Te Ching, Verse 17