You can observe what other people do and copy.
hurtloam wrote:
The stock phrase I want to incorporate is:"please send me the info I need to finish this project or I won't be able to complete it and it willl hang over my head for weeks while my manager keeps asking when it will be finished. NEVER at this rate!."
Can you send an email or say something like I'm sorry I don't seem to have received X could you please send it to me. If people aren't doing things you have to be persistent and ask at intervals. Talking by phone or in person can be better than email as they can't leave it until later. If you ask once and they are busy they will probably forget and won't do it until someone "shouts" for it.
The manager advice is very good, it is better to ask at the beginning rather than not to know by the point you should be doing it on your own.