I am going to have a try at my psychic abilities.
It is probably World Financial Group or something like that.
I say go and check it out, really it will be a great
I am into finance myself, an aspie obsession thing. I have a friend who is into the same stuff and we were taking about the cool ways organizations like WFG rip people off. I was sitting at a restaurant going over some trades on my laptop and out of the blue someone from WFG invited me to there meeting. Gosh my lucky day.
Its ra ra ra pump you up up to like a pentecostal church experience.
Just remember your fresh meat
Just think of it as a sleazy con man hoisting his dangerous scam off on gullible suckers
I had fun playing dumb and being stupidly upbeat.
Finally I was sent to the head honcho there who could not even answer the simplest financial questions. He showed some graphs which was easy to see as frauds. You may get some unpleasant high pressure sales tactics and various types of emotional manipulation. But hey I knew that was coming
Yea its a legal scam. You ought to look at there SEC filing they are a rip off but it is all disclosed. Plenty of complaints too. Under no circumstance give them one penny of your money or sign anything. No real names email ect.
Have Fun
I went. It was an experience a bit what you described. It became apparent to me after five minutes. It wouldn't work for me anyways because I never wanted a career in financial services. Money motivates me, but not that much.
This group offered very high commissions but no base pay. That's how they can afford to have their baby brokers look for new converts.