Anxiety can be a problem for me both in job interviews and more generally. Because of this every job I have ever had, with the exception of my current job, I got through a temping agency. I found that interviews with such agencies are less taxing than those in which you apply directly. Also once you have signed up with an agency they look for the job for you and so usually all you have to do is turn up and do the work. Then once you’ve got your foot in the door you can look around and see if there’s a permanent job available. All things being equal an employer would prefer to hire someone they already know, so if you already work there as a temp you’ll have the inside track and a good chance of securing the job. As for job interviews it’s all about making a good impression. This begins even before your arrival; make sure your CV is spot on and tailors to the job you are applying for and that any correspondence you have with a potential employer will to them seem professional. On the day, make sure you are properly prepared, dress suitably and turn up on time. Relax any way you can, even if this means taking medication; the more relaxed you appear the better, as in the mind of an employer relaxation equates with confidence. Then just do your best. That’s all you can do. If they don’t like you then the chances are you’ll never see them again anyway, so you’ve lost nothing. Remember applying for jobs is largely a numbers game; the more you apply for the greater your chances of success. And don’t be afraid of a few knock backs; they will happen so try not to take them personally. The more interviews you attend the more relaxed you will feel; which will also increase your chances of success. If all else fails you could use the old trick of imagining the people interviewing you naked; or just tell yourself I don’t want this job, I’m here to practice my interview technique. This takes the pressure off a bit, as it then becomes a game, a practice, a rehearsal, just a bit of fun.