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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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22 Oct 2006, 2:11 pm

Just recently I quit my job because I was tired of feeling like I didn't matter and I had a sneaking suspicion that people were saying things behind my back. For the most part, people weren't TOO outright mean to me but things started to escalate towards the end of my time there. Apparently when I first started one of the girls misinterpreted what I said(nothing new right?) and rather than being a mature woman and approaching me about it, she apparently told everyone what I said and made them think I was some huge b***h. All the while she and most of the other colleagues were nice to my face and I didn't really seem to have an issue with anyone there until I filed a sexual harassment complaint towards a guy who just wouldn't stop. I'm not sure where he got the idea that it was acceptable to talk to me that way but I had told him repeatedly to stop and the thing is he should have known better in the first place. So I reported him, but the brilliant thing about all this is that the head honcho girl who got everyone to dislike me, and the guy I filed the claim about, of course they figured out and knew right away who made the claim. They never told me to my face and I thought, well there is no possible way this going to go over well considering they are all going to know who did it. They will either be ignorant enough to retaliate against me, or act nicey nice to my face and act quite different behind my back. The head honco girl did subtle things to make it obvious I wasn't "accepted" in her little group by making comments about how she was having a bbq that weekend or asking various coworkers in front of me if they were coming over to her house for parties or bbqs or whatever At first I didn't think anything of it but I eventually pieced things together. Who wants to think that everyone you work with is plotting against you? So, I had been working there for close to 8 months when a new girl came on. I met her probably a week after she started and she proceeded to tell me "I'm not sure if you know that this is going on or not, and this is has happened to me in high school and is happening right now, so I think you need to know that people are saying things about you behind your back." I guess I got the confirmation that I needed, so knowing I had someone on my side to support me and someone who saw through their immature BS made me feel better. But anyways, maybe a couple weeks later she decided to tell me, after she made the connectoin that I was the one who filed the claim a few months ago, that yea she did hear people talking about me in regards to making the claim and that they were trying to coerce me into admitting that I was the one who made the claim. So they set up this diabollical plan(the coworker told me about this after this incident) and sure enough manipulated me into telling them that I was the one who filed the claim. That's when all the s**t hit the fan and everyone thought they could treat me just as they liked. I guess even though the manager I told it to was best friends with the guy I made the claim about, somehow I assumsed she'd be intelligent enough to keep that to herself and be a professinal. Luckily I'm working with a bunch of ignorant people that A. dont realize that new people who see through their BS are probably going to tell the person in which they are talking about about what they are saying and B. They don't realize just what human resources can do. I guess the guy I made the claim about, who had now quit(hmm i wonder why) is quoted as saying "I get a sexual harassment claim against me and I get a promotion." Indicating that after the claim he got even more hours at work. He's lucky he quit because at least he's intelligent enough to figure out that he's going to get fired. The thing I don't understand is why he would even continue to look in my direction or even think about speaking to me. Can you say idiot? Right now the Human Resources person is in the process of investigating the situaton, and what's great is if it weren't for that new coworker, there wouldn't be as much support on my side to get those retched people out of there. I'm not going back there no matter what because the management sucks and pretty much in general the way they run the entire company sucks. I also wish I had the official diagnoses of Asperger's and that that actually qualified as a handicap, then I'd have a lot more crediblity and wouldn't be simply viewed as someone "misunderstood" or "a b***h" just because I don't socialize with them on a regular baiss or give them any feedback or clues as to whether I like them or not. I think that's the biggest thing that gets to insecure people, is if they are unsure where they stand with you. Why would you really care if you were that secure with yourself, especially if you are friends with everyone at the company? I pretty much realized that they would all convene together and disucss interpretations of what I do or say. What am I the Bible? Aren't there more important things to talk about than me? Come on. Well, I am waiting to see what happens with all of this.


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22 Oct 2006, 4:08 pm

I hate that, when people make comments about your misinterpreted thoughts and decide to make such a fuss about it. Then everyone else joins in and makes you look like an idiot.
Things like that happened to me before at school, sometimes I think that people deliberately choose to take the wrong side of the situation.

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22 Oct 2006, 4:54 pm

That sucks. I'm sorry they felt the need to behave like asses and that it affected you directly.
My experiences have been nowhere near that bad, but I will say that apparently the mindset of "I'm here to work, not make friends and f**k around" is, in fact, not what many companies are looking for. Their loss. Treat us well and we make excellent (and from what I've seen, very loyal) workers.


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22 Oct 2006, 5:32 pm

Hello. I am sorry you lost your job.


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22 Oct 2006, 7:21 pm

I feel sorry for you even though i have no job yet.I also had A**wipes who i thought where my friends and they tried getting me to beat another kid up (i didn't) and me get in trouble and they laugh and call me a ret*d,fa***t,etc.Those kind of people are what i call "fake friends" i'm sure some of you had fake friends too.

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22 Oct 2006, 8:47 pm

Isnt it amazing to find out that some adults never outgrow the "highschool" click mentality.It is so common that the psyc professions dont give it the label it truly deserves...."developmentally delayed".
It seems like the lower paid jobs I have had,have a lot of this, "popularity politics" but I have heard the same said of even more "professional"jobs.(I just have no personal experience in that).

Sorry that you have to deal with this but glad you at least have one co-worker that isnt brain dead.I know the whole "sexual harassment law suit fear" will make human services more accommodating because it could cost them money to do otherwise.I quit a job about 4 years ago because of "hostile work environment"but didnt realize at the time,if I had documented the events better,I might have qualified for unemployment insurance payments even though I "chose" to quit.Have you checked into that option?

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