There are no places that automatically find you a job, but there are places that do help some. I do agree with NathanealWest about Job Corp, and the temp agencies. And you will need a resume and cover letters for job hunting. When I was able to work, I got most of my work as temp assignments through the employment agencies. They test you on typing and other skills, so they will know best which companies to send you to. You didn't mention any job skills you might have, so that will make it harder, but there are unskilled jobs available in retail, factory, and warehouse, and the employment agencies can help you find those, too. I've done office, factory, warehouse, and a little retail through the agencies. I never had strong job skills, but am good at low end office skills, so I was able to keep working longer when my knees gave out, by taking more office assignments. Factory, warehouse, and retail jobs require being able to stand and walk more. They also usually require being able to lift at least some weight. However, the office jobs tend to require more specialized skills, like typing, short hand, data processing, etc. On the low end though, there is stamping, stapling, stuffing envelopes, filing, faxing, photo copying, collating, and other simple stuff. I did a whole lot of that, but was happy to at least be earning a pay check.
Do try the agencies, and maybe job corp, too. I think you will benefit from their help.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau