Right now I just finished up with my BVR (bureau of vocational rehab) counseling, and am with a service vendor.
The person I'm talking to right now is actually the Vice President of the vocational vendor and he told me some pretty unsettling things. I asked him about the tax credit and whether or not it was a good idea to mention the $2400 tax break that a business can get per year by hiring me on. He told me straight up not to do it. Supposedly he'd had a client who's only disability was a torn rotator cuff in his shoulder. The guy had the idea of telling his supervisor about the tax break so he (the guy I'm working with) came in to explain the tax break to his boss. His boss was immediately distrustful of it, asked him "So why are you telling me this? Where's your commission in it?", he then told him that he'd have his lawyer call to discuss the matter. The lawyer called, he explained the tax break, and the lawyer seemed pretty assured that it was all legal. Right after that, within a week the guy was fired from his job.
He also mentioned that there is still a very severe stigma on people with disabilities and he strongly advised me not to mention BVR, not to mention disability, and he told me that if asked how I know him that he is a friend of my dads. Since I have an 'invisible' disability he told me that by all means I should take that route and not say anything - that if I did say it he could get the interviews but the odds are they'd point blank not hire me on account of it and there'd be no legal recourse because they'd have no proof. What really disgusts me about all this is I joined up with BVR for a reason - I NEED to find a place that actually trains, doesn't just throw it all in your lap and say 'here, get it', and I have no idea how the hell they're supposed to help me when I'm not even telling the employer that I have anything going on. Right now the job market is disgusting, many professionals have to put in between 30 and 60 resumes and do all kinds of interviews, for me with respect to suitable jobs that I even have the experience for (ie. 0 years) its just not going to be there. Even if he does find me some place where I can work I'm totally at my own and totally at the mercy of the odds - ie. it all depends on who I work with, if they're sitting there second-guessing me because I don't seem to just learn on the fly and get it without training I'll probably continue to have job after job that I'll just be fired from within a month or two because they can just 'tell' that its not going to be worth their while. Lol, at this point, even graduating Suma Cum Laude of all f'ing things, I'm almost thinking I might as well just throw away my degree and pick up a second job - just stay in the food industry for the rest of my life because evidently right now it seems like about the only place for people like myself. Makes me nauseous to say that, completely tastes like self-defeat, mind you I'll still try these jobs that I'm thrown into just for the sake of showing everyone I tried. I can just say I'm looking forward to a lot of emotional turmoil in the next year and I just hope to god I can keep myself mentally stable through it all. As it is my funds for rent are slowly drying and my current employer who I've been with for 6 years can probably only take so much of me coming and leaving, coming and leaving, and redoing the whole process for every blind dart throw that doesn't work out - needless to say I'd also feel like a complete d--- doing that to them when they've shown as much loyalty and respect to me as they have.