Should have made a poll if you really wanted to compare results.
That said, you're asking basically, the same old question: Blue Color vs White Color? However, theres another area now that alot of people are being shoe-horned into, which is basically "Service" jobs. The Steel Mill closed down, or laid off 1/3 of its workforce, you're 21, and McDonalds is the only place in town hiring..... That and many other similar scenarios have been playing out continuously for ~the past 20 years all over the nation......
Personally, I have a hard time seeing the presence of Asperger's specifically affecting a preference for working outdoors vs indoors, or with your hands on something physically engaging vs on a computer with something mentally or emotionally engaging...... Indirectly the arguement, to the best of my knowledge, would be something like "Well, I've loved drawing since I was a kid, its been a big focus in my life which I discovered in college was a result of being Aspie, so I pursued a Graphics Design Degree", or in another similar Scenario "I've loved everything about the desert since I was a kid, left home at 18 and joined the US Forest Service so I could be out in it as often as possible".
So, my attempt to answer your second question would be this:
Asperger's, in my experience has little direct affect specifically on the choice of what a person prefers as far as what general work environment you prefer, but probably affects it indirectly in several small ways. But the choices lie with the person, separate from their diagnosis. You can choose to like carpentry if it appeals to you, but Asperger's won't incline or decline your like/love of it. Asperger's is more likely to affect your preference for the people you work with (Or without), and the way you schedule your time while working (Big focused blocks of time on specific tasks, vs a more NT freneticism working on several different aspects of a given project at once).
Hope this was interesting at least ^^;,