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10 May 2012, 12:46 am

Hi everyone
For the last 10 weeks, I have been filing for unemployment and because of Florida Law I have to apply for at least 5 jobs per week and report them online to be able to qualify to file. Which I have been doing faithfully, but am now running out of jobs to apply for. I really am scared that I'll end up in food service. Retail was bad enough. I had constant panic attacks the last year or so of my previous job, which was at a major chain arts and crafts store.
Er, anyway, my point was, the reason I lost this particular job was because we got a new store manager, the 4th one since I was hired. The original manager who hired me knew I had a learning disability, that's what I called my spectrum disorder back then. She was fine with me and also the other people she hired who had similar problems. But this new guy made it known he wasn't going to put up with me being "slow" and after 2 weeks of bullying and intimidation I quit in disgrace. I filed unemployment a short time afterward, thinking I would be approved for it. This was the same situation, almost, that I had at the job previous to that, and was able to collect unemployment for it.
However I have been turned down in this case and have filed an appeal. I am terrified of what happens next, I have to submit to a hearing in my case, as a conference call over the phone, and the only witness who can testify on my behalf is a manager who still works there who is a complete toady for the bad manager, so I know she won't be sticking up for me.
I am also terrified if they think that because the same thing happened at my previous job, they may think I'm trying to commit unemployment fraud and I will have to pay restitution or go to jail, like it's a scam or something. I wish I had never filed for an appeal.
SHOULD I withdraw my request for an appeal in my case, OR go thru with the appeal? I am not trying to scam anyone, but my money has long run out, there are no job prospects for me, and the results of this case could affect any future employment I might have.....
I need everyone to weigh in with opinions or advice, since I have no guidance whatsoever. My mother cannot advise me, she is elderly and confused and has no way to judge right or wrong.


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10 May 2012, 12:56 am

You must be REALLY upset because your story was a little hard to follow. First you said you'd been on unemployment for 10 weeks, then stated you don't know if you qualify for unemployment? I'm confused.


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10 May 2012, 1:02 am

oh, I know. I'm confusing sometimes.
I did collect unemployment for the job that was previous to the last one. This last one, they didn't approve me, so I had to file an appeal.
This makes 2 jobs in a row that I lost specifically due to the fact of my "learning disability" which is how I refer to my spectrum disorder when speaking of job-related matters.


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10 May 2012, 1:20 am

Welcome to WP, Chimera68. Seems like I'm in the same dustbin as you. 3 months ago I quit my job because, out of the blue they told us shifts would be changing from 8 hours to 12 hours! I lost it! I just became a lifeless freak and promptly handed in my resignation. My coworkers tried to talk me out of it, but you know how we aspies are. I applied for unemployment and told their office I have Asperger's Syndrome and that sudden changes in our schedules simply throws us out of what. They said, 'Okay,' and now I get unemployment! I was actually diagnosed by a clinical psychologist so they can feel free to contact her if they wish. They didn't and just took my word for it. I still apply for 3 jobs every week (not 5 like you have to) but still no positive response. Why? Because I tell them the truth. I have Asperger's and I'm no good confronting & managing staff. There's an Office of Developmental Services here which I'm gonna look into next week. They give you training and what not. If there's such a thing in Florida maybe you can give 'em a visit, too. I wish us both good luck.


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10 May 2012, 3:45 am

OP, You really throw yourself at the mercy of the unemployment services by quitting your job. They normally treat this as self-inflicted unemployment, so don't award without a struggle.
The fact that you have an official diagnosis could help, but it would have been better to tackle the manager while still employed.
Did your latest employer know that you have an ASD?


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10 May 2012, 6:23 am

Yeah, I agree with the other posters. You should not quit. You should wait until fired. It's harder to qualify for Unemployment benefits if you quit. Also, you should look into training programs for the disabled that are run by the state. And don't forget to use the state jobs center. I think every state has them. I used one of them in PA the last time I lived there, but by then my other health issues had gotten too bad, and my job skills had gotten less usable. Also, the economy was already lousy, so places were being more picky about who they hired. I finally managed to qualify for disability after moving to NY.

Another job source for you is employment agencies. You can apply with them for permanent, temp to perm work, and temp assignments. You are legally allowed to sign up with any and all agencies in your area, but occasionally an agency will want you to sign an exclusive contract to only do assignments with them. If they want that, skip them. You will get more assignments by being registered with more agencies, so never sign an exclusive contract.

Hope your problems are straightened out soon. Good luck! :D

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14 May 2012, 1:46 am

Everyones ideas and comments have been super helpful. Thanks everyone!

I called my caseworker at Vocational Rehab, and asked him if my test results were in yet (got psych. testing couple of weeks ago from VR psychologist) and he said no, not yet, but he will check status of pending results. I said, I need these results to go toward evidence in my appeal for unemployment. He said, okay, will find out and call back.

Meanwhile I have decided that if these test results aren't conclusive, I'm dropping my appeal, because I'm sick to death of applying for all these stupid jobs. I'm supposed to be filling out a huge stack of papers to apply for disability and have been too scared to do it yet. I feel like one of those plate-spinners on the Ed Sullivan show, only wishing somebody else could keep them spinning for a while, or I'm gonna let them drop....but I can't make myself give up, just yet.

I just took the AQ test tonight and got a 43. Vindication? Maybe.



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14 May 2012, 2:02 pm

OP- you quit. In the state of Florida, if you quit, you are ineligible for unemployment.

Unfortunatly, many bosses know this. They set you up to fall (or fail) and push you until you quit. And if you quit, they are off the hook for the unemployment (that's where a majority of the funds come from, each employer has an "unemployment account" that they have to pay into & the ex-employees draw from what's added in by the state & feds)

The "choke point" comes from the employer...they characterize your ending (if they fired you, you quit whatever) if it's characterized as you quit, you won't get unemployment from the state of Florida.

It's extremly important to document all instances in the workplace (where you are bullied, mistreated by the boss' etc) and EXTREMELY important to not quit. Because, if you quit, you won't get unemployment (to risk sounding redundant).


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14 May 2012, 6:14 pm

MsMarginalized wrote:
OP- you quit. In the state of Florida, if you quit, you are ineligible for unemployment.

Unfortunatly, many bosses know this. They set you up to fall (or fail) and push you until you quit. And if you quit, they are off the hook for the unemployment (that's where a majority of the funds come from, each employer has an "unemployment account" that they have to pay into & the ex-employees draw from what's added in by the state & feds)

The "choke point" comes from the employer...they characterize your ending (if they fired you, you quit whatever) if it's characterized as you quit, you won't get unemployment from the state of Florida.

It's extremly important to document all instances in the workplace (where you are bullied, mistreated by the boss' etc) and EXTREMELY important to not quit. Because, if you quit, you won't get unemployment (to risk sounding redundant).

I know, and 100% agree with you. But it was to the point where I was getting physically sick at work from the anxiety attacks and resulting in having to constantly run to the facilities, and getting in more trouble for that too. Plus getting cursed out by angry customers on top of that. I folded like a cheap lawn chair. Couldn't take it anymore. But, yes you are right. The employers know how to abuse people and make it look good for them.
