Micro managing madness/poor job review
I managed to sang a job from my university's job board working in the financial field. Despite being a computer science major, I decided to accept the interview. There was a pre employment test that I aced, and despite my lack of experience in the financial/office setting I was hired within the same week.
The job seemed great at first; it pays almost $5 more than any other offer. I started being trained by the person who formally had my position, but had been promoted. She seemed nice when I first started working there, but she soon revealed a serious anger and generally unstable emotional state which changed day to day. Some days she would be very nice, other days she would be extremely flustered, annoyed that god forbid she wasn't making it clear enough for me. On top of her attitude, she also is a major micro manager that checked my work and would always find something wrong with what I was doing. In my mind it was just nitpicking, pointing out that I didn't write the decimal point dark enough for example..ridiculous. It's like working with a patient with extreme OCD and Bipolar disorder.
Anyway, last week I was received my first review and it didn't go well. They were saying I wasn't performing up to standard. (which I felt was because of the hostile training I was subjected to) They were nice enough to not give me a formal write up, especially since i'm technically still in my probationary period. I thought about disclosing that I had AS, but I really just didn't think it was any of their concern.
On top of all of that, which happened last week, I had a fever the Monday after the meeting so now I'm worried that they will fire me figuring that I just didn't want to come in. I honestly would take it as a blessing at this point, the job is just causing me way too much stress and anxiety. I've already received job interview calls for positions more related to my field, but they are simply too far away, and I don't have a car. I have never dreaded a job quite like I do with this one..I wonder if it's the because of the micro managing, hostile training, or simply lack of interest in the work on my part.
Any advice on the matter? I don't like the idea of quitting a job without having something lined up... I'm curious what others might do in this kind of situation.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2009
Age: 42
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Posts: 1,608
Location: I woke up on 7th street
As it stands I for the most part work within a truly rag tag psychology team, not a bad one but rather one that is in a rough situation and massively understaffed.
But we are forced now to convert our behavior plans to some statewide format, it's a big transition but not insurmountable, but I keep getting wild emails from one of the big s**t clinical psychologists in the state trying to question everything we do... Not format-wise, but content-wise.
She can eat a bag of wangs as far as I'm concerned. One of those who just loves hearing herself speak. Anyone who wants to break me down simply because I don't have a Ph.D is valid in doing so conceptually, but I will destroy them if they question my work.
Talk about "micro management", usually that's a thing where it's a negative behind the back assessment. This lady actually used the term "nano management" as a point of pride in reference to herself. Horrible.
I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.
"eat a bag of wangs"! !! If the micro-manager is not going to be around you much after she finishes training you, why not stick it out until you can either get your coworkers trained or you can find something else? But if it's causing you to cry yourself to sleep (as happened to me when I was micromanaged to the point of being told how to sit in my chair and what to do on my lunch break), then quit.
"Lonely is as lonely does.
Lonely is an eyesore."