Amazing article. This seems that most of the content from this site.
15. Beware of your voice tone. One Aspie who wanted to get into IT found interviews kept going bad due to his not showing enthusiasm, sounding too quiet, or getting turned off by jobs that had an unwelcome emphasis on social interaction, working too quickly, or working without the safe framework of a regime. It can be very helpful to role-play with somebody who can critique your performance before you have to do it live with an interviewer.
Like this above, I remember writing something very closely along those lines, coincidence? Eh... at least reference the source, cite and reference the threads used at least.
"When you begin to realize your own existence and break out of the social norm, then others know you have completely lost your mind." -PerfectlyDarkTails
AS 168/200, NT: 20/ 200, AQ=45 EQ=15, SQ=78, IQ=135