Autinger wrote:
DeviantBeauty wrote:
For some of us, though, reciprocity is incredibly important. I don't think it's "bullying" per se, either, but I do understand why the OP would be frustrated about a lack of reciprocal consideration from a co-worker.
If you start using words that I have to google to know what I mean, you can bet you're getting a reply to just point that out.
But actually, after reading what "reciprocity" means that's probably my number one "way" of dealing with coworkers. Clearly I'm doing it wrong though. I'm way too positive till a point and then pretty much go really nasty. (Although of course my level of really nasty is still only "just rude/no longer really nice so the contrast itself shows it" compared to others).
I'm the same
I start off nice then the relentless ignorance and rudeness of others grinds me down to the extent where I feel I hate them all!
I've recently started a new job as an administrator at a nursing care home and while some of the care staff are friendly and will acknowledge you by smiling or saying hello when you cross paths, some of them are off the scale ignorant! They deliberately avoid eye contact or just look at me as if there's something 'really wrong' with me! lol I find it incredibly offensive and it's made me take an intense dislike to the ones who act like this. The days when I would keep trying to be nice in the face of such unpleasantness are long gone so I make no effort towards these people, try and avoid having to interact with them and secretly plot their downfall!
Being friendly and pleasant is so much easier than being rude and dismissive - I just don't understand the logic of people who act like this as it makes it 100 times more awkward for them when they
have to interact with me. I can't abide having to be civil to people I'd rather tell where to go; I find it utterly demeaning!