Social enterprising, make your job fit you not the opposite
There is a new consept spreding about how you can run a company, it is called social enterpricing and works in the way that instead of making a induidual conform to fit in a very specific and narrow workspace, you design the work around what the induidual wants and needs! Simple as that you suddenly have happy people that gets to evolve in the direction that they want instead of having to sell your time doing something booring just because. . . just cause! There isn't even a reason why it works the way it does now, it just kind of evolved to the way it is.
I have been involved in a couple of these projects and my father works with networking so those enterprices can expand and evolve, and I thought that this could be perfect for all us aspies (and the like) who are unable to get/ keep a job cause of all the unreasonable expectations that you have to live up to, or just can't stand the thought of having to do something other than your specific intresst or being bossed around.
What do you like to do? What do you want to sepend alot of time doing and contribute with?
And then I don't just mean what things that you have a degree for, or some other certificate, I mean if you like designing webpages or drawing political satires or sorting books/records etc. then you can do that, the only thing that says you can't is social constructs and we aren't much for following that anyways.
If you just try to belive that this can work we could problobly make it work, pretty fast as well, I have seen it happen
I'm starting to sounding like a commersial... ah well,
As we don't have a pot of money right now we can't just quit our jobs and or rely on this for a living, but if you know what you want to do, then we could start by collecting that to a database and maybe put it up for anyone who is searching for a employe can look there or/and we could make it so that companies can buy services directly from us insted of hyring one of us, this could be a substitute for everyone having to start their own company to offer single services and having to invest lots of money to get noticed.
There will be no bosses, not in anyway at all.
All the money that someone pays for a service will go directly to the person who provided it, we will have to take out some percent (as small as possible!) to pay for internet servers and abit to those who works with maintaining the website but there will be absolutly no ranking system where anyone will get to take more of your earnings for any reason. You could raise your income by getting better at what you are doing, we'll keep a good record of everything that you do within the enterprise so that you'll get more recognised as good at what you do and you could upload references from other experiences outside this aswell.
So one important thing is that you have to be able to provide some way people can see what you can do so they can trust that you'll do it good if they would like to hire you or buy a service.
It would also be a good place to find other people that wants a partner in some project they are planing.
This can work in many different ways and should not be limited to any one thing either, the more flexible of a system the more people can join in.
What do you think? Fell free to ask questions here or in a private message!
Some more ideas/ thoughts:
There are already places that provide similar networking or selling some services but this will have as a point that absolutly no one but you will make money from the work that you do.
And by making this aspie-specific we can put much emphasize on that we are very focused and good at what we are intressted in so that that fact finally can get recognized and in to the job market.
And about getting it started and getting this out to the public and selling in the idea; this would be a greate alternative to ocupationaltherapy cause you can do what it is that you like to do, and no pressure to do it at a specific rate or so but there is room for self improvment and the possibility to help with things that makes a difference (too many things are totally meaningless).
And as this isn't for making profit in the sameway as other buissneses are, we could problobly get lots of charitys and schools and the like to refer and recomend people to us.
And new thinking ideas can easily make it in to news, at least lots of local ones and then you can grow fast and expand.
There are lots of people and companys who are looking for help in with some specific small thing and then you can refer them to us.
This could be mainly online and with that not limit this to just one contry (I'm in belguim right now), this is great for those who have a hard time being around people, and those who want to have other people to work with can ask around if there is someone else in your aerea who wants to work with you, you can introduce them to this,
for example: if you like fixing bikes, you might know someone in a bikestore and you can team up and put up on this site that you offer bike reparations at your adress or maybe even live walkthrougs or diagnostics online for those who live further away (don't know if that's a ridiculus idea or possible haha)
or if you are a lot of people in the same area you can all go together and rent a office or so.
you can also work together on things without meeting eachother if you like the samethings.
I like to organize and coordinate things so I can help everyone get in toutch so we can work together easily,
•can anyone with good writing skills make a text that looks abit more profecional than this one?
•Design a webpage?
•Come up with ideas of what things that should be put in a presentation of yourself on the webpage?
•Come up with things that can make this better/easier?
•Maybe a name and short slogan or logo?
•any other ideas about anything?
•good places to find people who might be intressted?
•team up with me and help with the organizing and getting this running!
All these things shouldn't take to much time to do and once someone starts, others will follow I know there are lots of you who like to make lists and there are also lots who have a hard time getting started without lists, so lets help balancing eachother!
Lots of good ideas, but like the AS-related company in the thread a few weeks ago, getting it off the ground requires organizational skills and funding beyond the ability of this site's members to organize. The fact that this site is international in scope is both a strength and a weakness, because spreading this out among different countries would add a lot of complexity.
How would it add complexit by being spread over multiple contries?
The internet can be used for almost anything
And to generize "abillitys beyond the members here" is something that you can't really do when there are over 70000 members, and I'm putting myself up as an example against that statment.
But yes, this would take some work to get started but by organizing according to what everyone can offer it could be done much easier than everyone thinks, as I don't see why this would need lots of fundings more than to maintain a web site.
The only step one needs to take is one above "it can't be done", as I said I have been involved with similar things that are now up and running.
Social enterprising; making your job fit you instead of the other way around:
When you factor in the number of aspies with parents are engineer`s professionals etc, or who are in positions to spend alot of their own personally, there is a whole lot of money that is readily available. That it`s ignoring the fact that many aspies would have an interest in working for free(if unemployed) for a share in business, government support for those aspies with disability, not to mention a ton of other funds available.
Granted I`m not saying there is tons of free money, I`m just saying that investment isn`t the main problem, it`s mostly the issue of organizing people who do not tend to be overly organized.
Let's say I want to write illustrated short stories (science fiction) and somehow at least make a little bit of money doing that. But because I don't interact well with literary agents, I've had a really hard time in the past getting anything published. I know my writing and artwork is good, it's the agencies that make it difficult because you have to write a pleasing, easy-on-the-ears query letter to the agent, and I'm not good at that part (and there are some agencies out there that scam aspiring writers -- another thing I'm afraid I'd be completely unaware of if that was happening to me).
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