How do other Aspies cope with this? I know Aspies like myself like a promised routine, and I like to know what days I have off and what days I work, and suddenly getting a phonecall from work on a morning I'm not supposed to go in does give me anxiety attacks.
This morning I got a phonecall from work. I was out at the time, but they left a message on the home phone, which I only got when I came back in. They wanted me to come in, and said to give them a call back. I didn't, because I didn't really want to go in on my day off. NOT because of laziness or irresponsibility. I just feel all put out knowing I have the day to myself to get things done then suddenly receiving a phonecall from work asking if I could come in.
I have got a bulk of working days at the end of this week, so I did want to make the most of my days off as possible, and I hope they don't suddenly phone up on the off chance because it is going to make me feel awkward. I do hate sudden plans, and I am suffering from tiredness and depression at the moment (I am not willing to take any days off sick, but I just need my required days off to myself without feeling obliged to go in to work).
How do other Aspies cope with this?