How to be self employed, and info on financial stability
This guy has an annoying voice, and he's kinda weird, but then again we all are, and he has some GREAT advice for most of our financial situations. My dad had like 50 podcasts from him, and had me listen to em all. I found this youtube video chain of basically the main part he showed me. He has a long introduction, but it's actually rudimentary for understanding the rest of the seminar. I also found that this would be useful for us aspies too... considering most of us are financial wrecks.
I found this veerrryyy helpful financially, and getting my but motivated to work, and even helpful on just keeping a REAL budget and keeping the money I have. It's a video chain of a seminar by T Harv Eker. A rich guy that teaches you how to first get yourself together and then actually teaches you to get rich super fast.
IMPORTANT: You DO have to realize though, that you DO NOT HAVE to be as obsessed over getting rich as he is, to actually make a lot of money, or anything like it. I got caught up thinking I had to commit myself to money money money and drop my hobbies to ever run a business successfully, but that's not true. You can live for something completely different, and his teachings will still work.
You can search around youtube for his videos, podcasts, and classes. He's actually legit, and I guarantee you will learn something from it.
Watch the first 3 or 4 videos of this youtube chain. They give you a lot of tips and clues on how you can fix your financial situation, but eventually he starts saying the same thing over again. Once you have a thorough understanding, then search around youtube to find what he actually teaches.
Once you do, here's a link to his actual book. The first 1.5 parts is what you already watched, but try not to skip, because it's all important.
None of them or my videos, and I'm not T Harv Eker either. So... yeah.
I don't know this person specifically, so he could be the exception that proves the rule, but these types of people mostly sell themselves as entertainers. There's a lot of fluff (upsell of other products, stories and anecdotes, etc), and very little useful information. (And information that could be gotten from other sources much more cheaply.) If the stuff they taught actually worked, a lot more people would be rich than there are. There must be more to it than just a few "secrets" that these people teach.
Some day I'm going to write a book on how success is mainly determined by circumstances (all things being equal, a lot of people simply are in the right place at the right time), genetics (pro athletes are simply different from most people), and entertainment ability (from singers to actors to preachers to finance gurus, most successful people are entertainers first). I don't expect this to sell well, so I haven't written it yet...
Hahaha, yeah I get that a lot of these people are rip offs, but this ones not. I've listened to it all on my own. Honestly, I've listened to all his podcasts and for 1. He isn't trying to entertain at all, and 2. It's actually legitimate information. Like he actually tells you how it works. He gives a long intro, then ACTUALLY explains it. It's crazy, I know. And if you want to know if he's actually helped people, then just look it up. I'm sure you'll find plenty of youtube comments and what not...
But what you said regarding circumstances is actually explained. As explained in the video, your circumstances are based on your intent, and your intent is based on your thoughts, in regards to the conscious and sub-conscious. When we tell ourselves we have little control over the world and how it affects us, it actually happens in real life because our sub-conscious believes it, and then you will sub-consciously self-sabotage any attempt to gain control of your surroundings, simply because your sub-conscious believes you can't have control, and so it won't even try to find control, or find solutions of whatever issue your facing. When you tell yourself you have control, your sub-conscious believes it, and tries harder to find solutions, and puts in a lot of effort. We start to notice things when they go our way, and have much more ability to accept and control it. We assert our control, control just doesn't come to us. It's just like leadership, or a talent we're good at. We assert our potential in which where we jump in and do well. If the things around us act against us, our brains work hard to figure a solution, so we actually solve the problem. If we don't think so then our brains won't care to solve the problem, hence we continually make mistakes. This goes the same for professional athletics, richies, etc...
I don't mean to start an argument or anything.
I mean no offence to you, Dannyboy271, but 4 minutes of the video is enough to convince me beyond reasonable doubt that the guy is a complete BS artist. You could almost play a kind of "BS bingo" with the logical fallacies in what he says. It's the classic kind of "sounds good if you don't think about it too much" speech, often found in religious propoganda or other sales pitches.
Yep, pretty much! No, he's not the exception.
Now, that doesn't automatically mean that everything he says is false or even that it's of no value whatsoever, but the signal-to-noise ratio is so low that there is no way I'm going to make the effort of looking for it, even if it's there.
Also, your topic title is misleading. There is nothing about self-employment in the first video. (I didn't watch the second.)
Yep, pretty much! No, he's not the exception.
Now, that doesn't automatically mean that everything he says is false or even that it's of no value whatsoever, but the signal-to-noise ratio is so low that there is no way I'm going to make the effort of looking for it, even if it's there.
Also, your topic title is misleading. There is nothing about self-employment in the first video. (I didn't watch the second.)
As I said earlier, it has a LONG intro. You just made an observation of the entire course based on the first 4 minutes? Ok, just so you know, almost every informative book/podcast has an introduction. They are ALL painful to sit through. Most of them are completely irrelevant to the rest of the course, some of them actually tell you something important. And you only watched 4 minutes of the first video and you say it has nothing to do with self employment???
Though I wish I didn't have to post an intro so long, the introduction of the course is actually important, because he explains why his course works at all. What fallacy?? Are you labeling his statements fallacy because they contradict one another or because you simply don't agree???? Run it through your head and think both why it wouldn't work, and why it WOULD work before labeling it garbage.
What he's saying overall; the way we've been raised and our behavioral environment determines the way we treat our finances. Just as low income people win the lottery and are preset to lose it all, and donald trump loses everything and is preset to get it all back in 2 years. He makes up the term "money blueprint" to refer to this. He basically says that if we ever want to be able to successfully run a business (That's self employment...) we need to change the way we think.
There is nothing fallacy about that. That's based of example after example after example again.
His course is basically just changing the way we think. You need to watch the actual course to get to the real meat of it. (But then you have the intro again, and you have to skip over a bit.)
Regarding him being a BS artist, my uncle used this to get rich, and handed it over to my struggling dad, who gives all credit of his success to his course. So Mr. 4 minutes, I think you oughta judge a book on more than 1/4th of it's cover.