Working as a message therapist
I was wondering if anyone worked as a message therapist and how the job meshed with some of the unique needs of an aspie.
I had a message today because I had previously had a really bad upper respiratory infection that had me coughing and needing to sleep upright and two weeks after getting better I still had horrible tightness and pain in my back and shoulders. During the message it occurred to me that I might do well in that sort of job. It does not require much talking with clients, I do not mind touching other people, just them touching me, I get to be in a sensory soothing environment, and I do not mind being on my feet all day.
I used to be in medical school in the USA, at a DO school as opposed to an MD school, and one of the differences between a DO and an MD is what is called Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM), which is what chiropractic care is derived from, and OMM uses many soft tissue techniques that are used in message. I did really well in my OMM classes, and I have the anatomy and physiology knowledge from medical school.
Any input on whether this is a good idea or not? The salary is not bad and there is still a demand for licensed message therapists in the area where I live in spite of the overall job market. Not that I am dissatisfied with having my current employment (in retail) but it is not something I want to do as a career (but I have a job, yeah). But my current employment requires me to do things that I find very difficult to do correctly (take orders accurately over the phone when I have trouble with verbal processing) and is stressful with requirements of needing to switch tasks frequently and suddenly (interrupt one task with another), and there are noise sensory problems.
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