DeviantBeauty wrote:
I live in Philadelphia. I looked into a couple of programs. One asked about $3000 for certification and job placement, not including plane fare to the destination and my visa. I have to get a more advanced passport (I have a passport card, a relatively new thing since 9/11 in the US for traveling to Mexico and Canada). So I'd be looking at probably around $6000. There has to be a cheaper way!
Holy cow - that's pretty steep! That would indeed take a lot of saving!! Well, in the meantime keep looking - the certification seems unavoidable (although who knows, maybe they are in such great need of teachers that they will accept you without it?), but I do hope you can find a better method of job placement and get lucky with flights. If I hear of anything during my travels all over the internet, I'll let you know - and I do hope there is a cheaper way for you.
Incidentally, I'm planning on studying overseas next year myself, but in Germany (or another European country where German would be an advantage) and I'm busy saving up for that myself - although there are no tuition fees, some universities ask that you have 7000 Euro on hand to prove that you can survive in the country. Either that or someone in the country has to prove that they can pay for you... ah... if only, right?