creativeaspie wrote:
i turned my obsession of computers and software and found success there. what's interesting is that the traditional corporate environment still couldn't accept me (i wrote recently about it here on
"Mistakes" and how I can't seem to
"Grow Up" which I find is a "good" thing) so I eventually found that the only boss that I could work with is, well, myself.
I became an entrepreneur.
I read the posts, very good writing.
Corporations, by their very nature, have become increasingly culturaly rigid. While Paul Graham is writing to a different audience ("programmers"), I think his advice on working for yourself is quite correct. He also appears to have no love or even respect for most major companies.
Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth.
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Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (Firaxis Games)