cberg wrote:
internship = exploitation.
In some cases this may be true... I just finished an internship and, upon doing so, I learned that one of my responsibilities there (that I was only supposed to be allocating 1-2 hours a week and felt bad about struggling with) was a full-time job at the agency I work at now! However, I definitely feel more confident in my abilities to do my job well now... It is exploitation, but if you think about it as a learning experience (just another classroom), then it may be better. That worked for me, at least!
For posterity, AS individuals notoriously understate their abilities for fear of receiving too much to handle, or simply an instilled belief that their perpetual studiousness will come off as less-than-genuine. [/quote]
I always try to take on MORE than I can handle and end up floundering... I think it might be to prove I'm not deficient... Come to think of it, I think I'm doing it at my job now... I'll have to keep an eye on that!
Back to managertina's original comment: I'mm fairly new on here, but I feel really comfortable and happy in this community and have found some good support... I'm glad to hear you've had the same experience on the long-term!
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