How do you keep motivated in looking for work?

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22 Jun 2013, 4:00 am

I've been looking for a job for a while now and am getting so unmotivated. I keep applying and never hear anything back. Not even rejections. They just don't ever bother replying.

A couple of weeks ago I saw an advert for an open day at the Kent Autistic Trust. I thought that would be ideal, as I am looking to get into the mental health services industry. I emailed their HR department about whether they'd be likely to take someone on who does not have formal qualifications in healthcare but who has first-hand experience of autism. They didn't even have the courtesy to reply. The open day is today but I'm not even sure I will even bother going now. The lack of reply on their part has kind of been the icing on the cake and has totally killed any sort of motivation I originally had.

So, how do you keep motivated when looking for work? How do you deal with not hearing back from any employers?

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22 Jun 2013, 6:08 am

If you don't here back from them they are not interested in you for the job.

The more jobs you apply for and more effort you put in will logically mean the more chance you will have of getting a job.

Laddo you actually do have a job at the moment, do it well and to the best of your ability.
You are being currently employed for $0 as a job hunter. That is your job at the moment.

Hope my words will help.

Good luck

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23 Jun 2013, 8:15 am

Some employers purposefully do not respond to a job application of someone who they see as fit for the job, purely to see whether or not the person is driven enough for the job by inquiring why there was no response. It's a BS tactic, but one you have to get used to.
Best thing to do is always ask why you didn't get a response, even if they didn't see you as a fit applicant you can always get some feedback that helps you in the future.


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23 Jun 2013, 10:00 am

Rewards usually work. For example: If I fill in this job application then I will let myself watch a DVD after.

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