I have had several careers, and during the Dot.Com boom, was even making 50,000.00 a year at one point. I have worked skinning lables off of dog food cans, collecting agent for a cr*ppy credit clothing store, laundress at this fine house in NYC, NY, USA, Deli manager ( oh, yes, Galumph, when we get to the point of managing, the house falls down upon us, doesn't it!) cook, chef, ice rink attendant, rock festival promoter, Software engineer (Linux) computer monkey at Gateway in South Dakota, MCP and MCSE and A+ trainer. I now work in health care insurance on the phone because I don't have to look at people they just talk to me and that is in my comfort space.
I didn't want to do any of these things. I always thought I was much better than I actually was. So much of this was how I presented myself at the interview, but could not sustatin my behaviour in any of these jobs. My career was in interviewing, it seems, that is all I was really GOOD at.