preemptive worries...
First off, as I have noted in another post, I have a major life even happening this week, so I'm sure that's influencing my thinking right now...
I can't seem to shake this (almost paranoid) feeling that people at work are "giving me the eye", heavily scrutinizing everything I do and that I might be close to getting reprimanded. Thing is, I haven't really done anything that would be deserving of reprimand aside from being late on some paperwork (which appears to be the norm for people at this job). Like I said, I feel like I'm just being paranoid and am experiencing some fear of rejection (probably displaced).
Thing is, even though late paperwork is the norm, I feel like it shouldn't be the norm for me. I am only in my 5th week at a reasonably complex and systemic position and it's unreasonable for me to feel like I have to be perfect at the job, but I do feel. that way.
Does anyone else hold themselves to unreasonably high standards at work? How do you get over that?
Also, more to the preemptive point: I feel like I should mention these concerns to my supervisor for help with them, but that would then draw attention to my paperwork lateness... Should I say something now (and by now I mean next week as this week is far too busy with the American holiday) or keep my head down until I either get caught up or called out?
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I speak from experience that the odds are you are being paranoid...especially if your work experience is limited. I know I was until I got a better feel for what was going to get me in trouble and what was not.
Does anyone else hold themselves to unreasonably high standards at work? How do you get over that?
I do this all the time. I think things should be done correctly. I actually have to work to not go crazy over how inefficient an operation is. In the end, the boss decides what is acceptable, and you have to learn to be okay with the mess he's willing to tolerate.
I actually have extensive work experience (mostly continuous since I was 10), but this has always been a problem for me. I think you're right that I'm being paranoid. My supervisor gave some good compliments to me today about my work ethic and thoroughness, so crisis averted...?
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