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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 Jul 2013, 1:34 pm

More importantly how can I stay focused. I am in a boring job right now (right out of college) which was not what it promised to be. It is not what I studied or even remotely close. I went to school for computers and joined an IT consulting firm. They put me into a business role. I have NO INTEREST in this crap at all. I have been given a task which is essentially reading the most boring document in the world and finding questions about it. This means not only do I need to read the crap, but I also need to process it, analyze it, evaluate it, and find ways to make it better. I've no training, no direction, and no motivation for this task. Can someone please help me? I don't want to get fired but I honestly feel like this is a plot by them to give me an impossible task to get me fired...


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23 Jul 2013, 3:43 pm

That's how I felt at my previous job until I eventually quit ... after 10 years. It's amazing I held on for that long... out of fear.

There are SO MANY useless documents I had to go through... so many redundant reports... things I had to do one way and then do it backward and reverse all the changes...

Cubicles, fluorescent lights, programmer drones greeting each other with monotone voices... shuffling toward the coffee machine... seeing older guys drink Pepsi with their "healthy" lunch like it's no-thing... some "hardcore" programmers stinking of cigarette smoke... I guess that's how they deal?

Don't know what I should be doing with my life, but I worked in cubicles for 12 years overall and can't handle the idea of going back.

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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24 Jul 2013, 12:59 pm

I think I know what I really want to do to make myself happy. It's not this but right now I need to do this until I can find something more related to my field. While I do appreciate your doesn't really help me focus :? . Do you have any tips?


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24 Jul 2013, 6:57 pm

Well, I do think about this a lot. I work a pretty physical job, so I have a lot of time to think about things. My job doesn't involve having papers or anything like that at all... 'm on my feet and constantly moving around all day/evening. A lot of times I find myself getting somewhat lonely because I am alone. I can't really answer your question about 'focusing" because at my job you don't really have to focus, because it's not like a job where you (like I said) do paperwork, or sit at a desk, etc. While I work I mainly daydream and think about things I want to do when I get home and on my days off. Some of the times I never end up doing the things I think of doing, and some of the times I do. When I do get the chance to work with somebody I talk with (and get the job done at the same time) we have similar goals, so we chat about how we do these things. I always ask him how I should go about doing the things I want to do. I have a lot of things on my mind about the goals I have, and I've been asking him how I can motivate myself. You have to keep in mind, though... if you're working with others, always, always, always keep your work at 100%! Do NOT let your socializing interfere with your work performance. When I'm at work, if I find somebody is keeping me back from getting my job done, I try my best to stray away from that person... (or them... sometimes more than one person come up to me and try to talk to me about random stuff). So yeah.. I can't really answer what you wanted me to, but I can give you the closest answer I can... how I pass the time at work and do the best job I can... and I usually do a pretty good job at work... that is what my supervisors say to me.

Blue Jay
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25 Jul 2013, 12:30 am

Could you break down your boring reading into small segments(the next five pages) and then do something different as a reward for getting through each segment?

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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29 Jul 2013, 2:40 pm

I don't talk to anyone I work with if I can help it. I'm an American and all of the people I work with are Indian so there is nothing in common with us besides the fact that we share some chromosomes. I'm not even kidding when I say I've had better conversations with my pets or machines.

As for the small segment breaking up, I started it that way until it came to the point where I realized I couldn't even read a single paragraph without thinking of something else. I've never seen anything like this document to destroy my focus this quickly. It really is amazing in that right...