Hello. I haven't been on here in a long time. So long I even forgot my old account details, so I made a new one.
Last year I finally got my Academic Bachelor's degree in Eastern Languages and Cultures, despite having been told that I should've lowered my goals, that I wouldn't be able to handle the level.
It took me somewhat longer than most, but I still got the degree. Only to find it's been a waste of time after all: I've been looking for a job in the field for half a year now, and found nothing.
Going abroad would increase my chances, but presents even more problems as I don't think i'd be able to adapt to such a drastic change.
I find myself lacking in any other skills or abilities that would get me employment.
In the end, I feel like a fool, having chosen such a lofty and romantic goal for myself, and having gone through the painstaking effort, only to end up with a degree that is, in practice, worth nothing.
Any perspectives on this would be msot welcome.