Where Do I Go From here?
So I just recently graduated college with a degree in classics, without any student debt, paid almost entirely with scholarship money. The problem is I am not particularly passionate about anything. I sort of have a laze fare attitude toward everything and I am almost pathologically adverse to risk, which is the main reason I don't really pursue anything. I'm just always afraid of failing and becoming poor.
I am a real underachiever but smarter than some of the overachievers who are on a career path. But alas like everyone else on this site I am autistic and always seem to fall into such horribly awkward situation that I almost destroy any chance of improvement, or as my mother would say: "unconsciously shooting yourself in the foot."
I tried a small volunteer job at a library for awhile but I don't know if I want to be a librarian. I am interested in building computers,classics, maybe doing coding IT sort work and I also love movies as an art form. My interests are just scattered all over the place, but as I wrote before I am not passionate about any one thing and have no drive or motivation to pursue one or the other. I don't really know what I want to do. Just as peter o'tool said about his life: a skipper asked me: have you any unanswered calls inside you that you don't understand or can't qualify? I said, well, yes...." That is more or less my predicament as well, I want to do something but I really have no idea what it is. For now the only reason I would want a different career is for the sake of greater financial security, but it isn't so bad yet that I am forced me to make a real decision.( I am so glad I do not have to support a child, that is the only upshot of being socially inept, don't have to pay child support hahaha.)
I believe one of the reasons maybe perhaps is my unrealistic expectation that my career will be my one and only source of happiness. Another
is my pathological desire for sameness and fear of risk and the unknown. Every time I have tried doing something different i have always been disappointed, nothing ever seems to change for me, all i can manage to do keep my head above the water. I don't believe staying in Iowa will help change my life, but I really am a bit too afraid to venture out into a new place.
Has anyone ever found themselves in this sort of Existential crisis/crossroads?
Of course. Everyone faces choices about what to do in life.
I am an IT manager, but I love firefighting, so I volunteer.
Just because you choose one path, doesn't mean you can't explore others. You follow your interest in movies in your spare time, and maybe one day you'd make it big, if not, you have your IT job to fall back on.
I am also in IT It is still a high demand career, but I have noticed a lot of jobs want a B.S. in computer science these days. Sometimes experience can override the B.S. though.
Your Aspie score: 159 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 51 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie