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16 Feb 2014, 2:27 am

I've been given the opportunity to get a job. An IGA up the road is asking for a cleaner. Clean the dishes, stoves, floors and maybe take over the register sometimes.

It's 8-12 hours a week, so about 2 hours a day, probably something like 4-6pm. And one night in the week a shift ends at 11pm.

I honestly think it sounds like a nice opportunity but I'm getting nerves. The "first day of school" feeling. Younger workers get taken advantage of and targeted more often, and a younger worker with Aspergers has "target" written all over them. It's only two hours and there's a senior worker at all times to just ask for instructions/help but the whole situation still makes me anxious. I want to do it but I think I'm having trouble overcoming my fears. Also i need to cross a highway just to get there, and traffic has only gotten worse in the past few years. Also a bit afraid of criticism from customers (we all know how some customers get when teenagers are working at a place, strong criticism/anger to me being 15 and working there might really get to me because I'm a bit over-sensitive sometimes.)

What should I do? Should I try and take the job and do it for a while? :?:


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16 Feb 2014, 5:36 am

If you don't need the money (and the job is unfulfilling) I honestly ask... why would you want to go through all that?


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16 Feb 2014, 6:16 am

Life experience and training for the real world.

After some thinking I did over-react before, it shouldn't be too difficult to handle. It's just cleaning a shop for 2 hours in the afternoons. I'm also in the process of trying to overcome my aspergers and this is probably a good start.

I want to do it more now, but I am still not sure how to handle anxieties. Does anyone else have some advice for how to handle first days and what I might expect?


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16 Feb 2014, 6:30 am

Sorry, but "life experience and training for the real world" sounds like a circular, artificial rationalization.

It's not like you're going to gain experience towards your dream job by cleaning, are you?


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16 Feb 2014, 6:42 am

True, just trying to say I at least can know what real work feels like instead of sitting on a computer all day.

Also I already have some money but feel I want more, also could help with social skills, especially since I may be expected to run the register sometimes.

Just in general want to do something with myself instead of just sitting around at home like a nobody (not saying introverts are, just saying I personally feel like I'm wasting away my days with nothing to do. I need stimulation).


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16 Feb 2014, 9:10 am

Outrider wrote:
Should I try and take the job and do it for a while? :?:

Sure, go for it ! !

I would like that the shifts are only 2 hours. I find I can handle most social situations for 2 hours, though that is my limit.

I got my first job when I was 14. I was a restaurant busboy, and yes I did get picked on a bit by the older teenagers that worked there. Obviously I survived and am wiser for the experience.

I like to think of such things as an "adventure", which I find a much underused concept these days.

I look forward to reading how your adventure unfolds ! !

"Righteous indignation is best left to those who are better able to handle it." - Bill W.


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16 Feb 2014, 10:12 am

Marky9, how is it an adventure when all one is doing is slaving away at some capitalistic conglomerate Moloch? When all one does is the same thing over and over again... for relatively little gain, and to be convinced that some stuff that one doesn't need has to be bought?

That may be over-dramatizing it, but calling it an 'adventure' is almost abusively simplifying reality, on the other hand. Children employed practically in actual slave labour in China or such certainly wouldn't consider it an adventure... or perhaps they do, but only before repeating the same action a million times over.


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16 Feb 2014, 10:41 am

Mootoo wrote:
Sorry, but "life experience and training for the real world" sounds like a circular, artificial rationalization.

It's not like you're going to gain experience towards your dream job by cleaning, are you?

You also will NEVER get your dream job if you have no experience at any job.

Employers want to see that you have a solid work ethic. Even a job way beneath your abilities gives you the chance to show what you can do. You could have 20 PhDs, but if you have no work experience, why should anyone believe you can actually get a job done in the real work.

Academia does not prepare you for the daily requirements of regular job. Even opportunities in academia will be more favorable for the person with a demonstrated work history.


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16 Feb 2014, 3:38 pm

I think if you go in expecting to be targeted that can come off in a bad way, almost a self fulfilling prophecy.

One good thing about a high school job is when your a senior, you might be able to get work release. We had a program were if you were a senior and you only needed a few classes to graduate, you could apply to leave school early to work.


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16 Feb 2014, 4:08 pm

and/or also take a couple of community college courses?