I haven't worked from home for long stretches. My last company allowed me to work from home when my son was sick, or when I needed to work overtime. I liked it, because of the lack of constant work distractions, but, at the same time, there are other distractions. A neighbor sees a car at home and knocks to make conversation or ask for a hand with something.
My husband works from home now and people are constantly asking him to do things because he's at home when they're at work (this week? he's overseeing the road repairs for our subdivision). It can be a real challenge, because he feels he can't say no, especially when it's something like being asked to meet someone's child at the bus stop because they have to work late or get a car repair, etc.
I don't know if you're as friendly with your neighbors as my husband is with ours, obviously, that would be hard to match.
On the days when I needed to really focus on work, I would tell my boss I wasn't coming into the office, then I'd leave 'for work' at my normal time and go drink coffee at Cracker Barrel until the local library opened up. I'd set up shop in the young adult section (because they were obviously all at school) and work, uninterrupted, for most of the day. It's wonderful! Now that I'm married, my biggest distraction while working at home is my husband (he doesn't follow directions as well as the kids
), but, if you don't have someone distracting you, it is great to work at home.
I do know, for myself, I have to structure my time, telling myself, "I will start at X time and work on Y and will finish at Z time". I can't stand lack of structure.