Becoming a Teen Entrepreneur | Getting a Labor Permit

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Joined: 25 Apr 2014
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23 Jul 2014, 5:36 am

I am very excited! A month ago I quit my farm job cause I raised quite the load of money, and was too tired of working there. They were paying me under the table cause I did not have a permit yet, which I didn't realise. Then I found out I could get one and work somewhere else instead of there still at the age of 13! I am going to start working again hopefully at the beginning of the school year. 6pm-9pm Monday-Friday. I want to work at Taco Bell because its just the matter of a bike ride to get there. I might be making minimum wage but who cares. Im going to be the youngest there if I get the job!

Goal :

This summer of 2014 I will learn over 14 programming languages, because I can. I know I can. No one say I can't because I can.


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23 Jul 2014, 7:17 am

I wish you the best of luck.


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23 Jul 2014, 8:30 am

Glad you can get a work permit, how exciting.
I was stuck hustling lawn mowing gigs and babysitting my mom's ignorant friends' kids for years before I could go work a proper job.
Best of luck to you.