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03 Oct 2014, 7:47 am


I've been working on a project for school - I'm looking at employment trends in individuals with ASD. I posted a survey on another forum but received no results so I thought I'd try and broaden my scope.

Where are you from?

Are you currently employed?

If you are employed, do you feel you are overqualified, underqualified, or appropriately qualified for your line of work given your education and/or skill-set?

Thank you!


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03 Oct 2014, 8:48 am

I am from Canada. Yes, I am currently employed full time. However, I am VERY overqualified as I am for every job I have ever had other than my first one.


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03 Oct 2014, 11:20 am

St. Louis, MO, USA


The job I've been working in for the past year, I am appropriately qualified for. Other jobs, I've always been overqualified.

Snowy Owl
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03 Oct 2014, 11:54 am


Yeah, I work part time shifting boxes :shrug: for a clothing retailer.

Can't answer the question because these days employers scan social media for things said about their company and you can be sacked like *clicks fingers* - That.


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03 Oct 2014, 1:40 pm

i'm from western pennsylvania. i'm employed as a social worker. i'm under employed as i was previously a physician.


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03 Oct 2014, 10:12 pm

London, England.

No job, but then again I haven't applied to any since none are suitable for me. As long as it says dealing with customers, clients or public, i'm outta there!

Just started on Jobseekers allowance which is a benefit that gives me money to pay for rent/food so i'm not homeless while I look for work as daunting as it is already. I wish I was one of those people who could apply to any feasible job (excludes drivers, degrees etc) without worrying about the communication side of it.


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03 Oct 2014, 10:26 pm



I'm kind of employed, I work on film, commercial and music video sets, so my employer is always changing from PM to PM (Production Manager) and I also direct my own shots and music video, so I'm kind of a freelancer. I couldn't stand having a regular boss, 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Each time I had other jobs, or day jobs when I was starting I always got fired.

When I work on sets, I feel appropriately qualified, but always forced to learn new things all the time. All the other jobs I had I always felt overqualified. Working in a warehouse and being the only one with a degree sucks, I also had a job working CCTV, that same was hell and also got fired. And all the other jobs I ever had I ended up being fired or quitting. I even worked for my dad in his office and I quit because I couldn't take it, when I'm not interest in what I'm doing I go ballistic and become depressed.

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04 Oct 2014, 4:10 am

I fit my job perfectly


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04 Oct 2014, 3:24 pm

London, England


Overqualified for my current role but I don't mind too much at this point as I want to demonstrate that I can hold down a job and do it to the best of my ability.


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05 Oct 2014, 10:36 am

I'm from the United States, reside in Maine.

Currently employed full-time, overqualified for the position. If I had the social expertise I'd be running restaurants instead of cleaning them.


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05 Oct 2014, 7:13 pm

I'm from Canada, Alberta specifically.

Currently unemployed, I sort of want a part-time job, but I sort of don't. I really don't think I could handle full-time work at this moment, and even part-time may be a stretch. I just want to quit being broke all the time.

I have very few qualifications, as I dropped out of high school and never pursued post-secondary.

Blue Jay
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06 Oct 2014, 3:49 pm

I'm from Yorkshire, England.

Employed full time as a digital designer.

I'd say I'm appropriately qualified for the job i do.