Dantac wrote:
zer0netgain wrote:
From a legal standpoint, the employer is free to set and change job requirements.
This is so wrong in my opinion. I believe there are countries where if this happens the company has to receive your consent and provide a pay rate increase if you're being given more workload. However in the US the entire system is rigged to exploit the employee.
It may be one of perspective, but I can assure you the last thing an employer needs is to be tied down to never being able to change or retool their operation. The market changes, and employers much change with them.
If you hire someone with a disability KNOWING of their disability when you hire them, this becomes an issue when you change the nature of the workplace. If you don't now they have a disability and you find out AFTER the decision is made to retool, it's not really the employer's fault.
Nobody is promised a job for life. Lots of things can force you out the door that neither you or the boss has any control over. Adaptability is upon the individual, not society.