NEtikiman wrote:
My original fear was based in feeling disconnected from people who monitor and make decisions about advancement and that sometimes those decisions are also based on how the boss generally gets along with the person as much as thetir ability to do the job.
I still feel like this happens sometimes, but I may have been being paranoid since the program director had a really good talk with me the day after my op about my work and intentions to advance...
Although I'm less anxious, I still think it's important in my field to be seen for more than my job since people react as much to who I am (e.g. My personality) as what I do (e.g. my professional skillset).
I think I know what you mean.
I never really clicked with the right people at my last company, and my potential there should've been much higher (transferring my skills from one site to a corporate level). ~shrugs~ Kinda stinks having to give up my tenure, but, my professional reputation outside of my company has always been pretty good, as me being fair and helpful and honest has always made me popular in my industry.
Oh, well, I left a written plan for anyone who comes after me. Maybe they'll have the right personality and be able to pull it off (centralizing the skillset would save millions across that company, just as I had done at my site).