I don't mind them... to a point. I find myself sometimes trying to engage in several conversations at once, purely because I'm stuck in the middle of them and not sure which one in which to include myself.
There are times that they really enrage me, though. One of the people on my team, for example, has the absurd habit of coughing REALLY REALLY LOUDLY ALL DAY LONG, or making a sound in the back of his throat like he's gargling with cardboard or something. And someone on another team has the infuriating tendency to frequently laugh so loudly that EVERYBODY ON THE ENTIRE DAMN FLOOR CAN HEAR HER. Grud, it's like nails on a chalkboard.
Grrr. The Civil Service tends to attract all the freaks, it seems...
And then there are the times when I just want to be left alone to stew in my own juices, where my face is clearly set to "leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you", and people still insist on trying to engage me (and when I'm in those moods, it's a really bad idea, mostly because it usually leads, paradoxically, to me blowing my top instead of becoming all sweetness and light. It's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline).
I agree! I posted about some similar stuff in the "negative people" thread. Apart from this co-worker being negative and bigoted, he is really, really loud. He is tone deaf and whistles off key, and yells accross the room. He also plays really bad country music. I tried plugs,but it isn't a 100% solution.I'm thinking of anonymously reporting him but I don't know if it would help. I think he's been reprimanded for his bigotry before, and he's still a bigot (I heard him actually make a comment to someone that aboriginals should be"culled". Other people have confirmed that that wasn't a one off) Any suggestions??
P.S. I'm not aboriginal, I just find this incredibly offensive.