Things that suck and don't suck about your job

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03 Apr 2008, 3:42 pm

Things that suck at work:

They don't help pay for our bus passes. They say they are too poor but they make over 1,000,000 from guests and conferences, parties, etc, when they rent the ballroom there and other rooms that are for meetings and all.

We have the same days off every week

I have an ignorant office clerk.

Things that don't suck at work:

We don't need to wash our uniforms, They do it for us so we go in, grab our uniform, change into it. At the end of our shift, we change out of our uniform and back into our regular clothes and we put the uniforms in the dirty bin as we leave.

We don't have to pay for our food. It's provided to us.

I make more money than I did at my last job.

Our boss is really nice and she seems open minded

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03 Apr 2008, 4:20 pm

Things that suck:

- Lack of administrative support. Approximately 50% of my time is administrative duties. I am a health professional and there's constant talk of 'lack of clinicians' .... well if we were given administrative support the clinicians could do more clinical work!

- Huge amount of e-mails that have to be sifted through, most of which are irrelevant. However the group e-mails all need to be read carefully because occasionally something important is there. I spend 2 hours out of my 16 hours at work reading mostly irrelevant e-mails.

Things that don't suck:

- I love my patients and satisfaction I get from helping them improve their health.
- My position has a large deal of autonomy.
- My work mates and line manager are great.



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03 Apr 2008, 5:04 pm

Things that suck:

-Not getting anymore money.

-No benefits.

Things that don't suck:

-A lot of free time.

-Not having to put up with ignorant co-workers or public.

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03 Apr 2008, 5:32 pm

Previous job:

- the boss is impossible to read, and usually cranky
- get blamed for things that are someone else's fault or no one's fault
- too many hours
- customers
- half-price gear for my favorite hobbies
- one friendly occasional co-worker
- a chance to run off at the mouth about a special interest unperturbed

Possible job:

- a lot of "waiting" time
- a lot of failed experiments
- a noisy freezer
- a lab position in my special interest
- a few good co-workers
- not much supervision


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03 Apr 2008, 6:48 pm

Things that suck...

Large company with seeming indifference to over crowding of animals,meeting individuals dogs needs

Crabby boss who is impossible to talk to ad often illogical in her decissions

Dog barking hurts my ears and lack of quit time leaves me drained

12 hour shifts are exhausting

pay sucks

A few of the dogs are really dirty,smell,messy(ie poop and then dance in it)

Things I like about it.......

The dogs are awesome and seem to like me

Fur to touch and rub my face in

Helps my self-esteem because I think I do a good job

3 days on,one day to sleep and threed days off

work over nights so don't have to deal "much" with other staff or customers

several hours a night to read or do my crafts(and get paid for it)

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07 Apr 2008, 6:28 pm

What doesn't suck:

Generally nice coworkers.
Girls at my work are quite pretty.
Doing framing work; cutting, cleaning, building
Moderate amount of hours so I don't get overwhelmed.

What does suck:
Low wage
Not a real frame shop, more customer service work than frame building
Answering the phone and always have to fend off customers asking why things are late
Relying on a third party to build frames(ties into above)
Slightly odd hours
Stupid people who leave trash on the shelves
The women's bathroom


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07 Apr 2008, 7:47 pm

-Work is completely boring
-Coworker is mildly creepy; don't like, don't like, don't like
-Family business - mother is obsessive about it all
-About to move to an office that's farther away and requires me to get up earlier
-Coworker is always screwing up the things I'm doing
-Loud, political talk show radio playing all day

Doesn't suck:
-Wage is above minimum, which is better than most I could at my age
-More or less set my own schedule
-Family business - can get away with some things
-Little supervision so can do other things periodically (like this)
-Currently just a short walk to office

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08 Apr 2008, 12:37 am


-Work is boring and I have a hard time staying awake
-Coworkers are all very NT social party going type
-Doesn't pay too much
-Supervisor is textbook AS but is non-understanding

Doesn't Suck:
-Short commute
-I don't have to pay $80/month for parking
-Minimal supervision


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09 Apr 2008, 9:55 am

Does Not Suck:
Friendly coworkers
Some days I don't have to get up early for work
Work allows me to get some exercise instead of sitting at a desk

Noisy work evironment
Bright lights
Minimum wage pay


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10 Apr 2008, 10:02 pm


Having to get up when it's still dark out to be at work before the store opens.
Low pay as I've just started the job
The occasional rude customer

Does not suck:

Easy commute as there's no traffic at 4:30am
Living maybe 5 miles-saves on gas.
Friendly co-workers and managers
I get to work alone for the first 4 hours
I can get my grocery shopping done as soon as I clock out.

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27 Dec 2014, 8:51 pm

I live in Australia and I work for the Federal Government and I've got to admit, I have THE BEST employer. I've used up all of my leave and have just been off for about the last 3 weeks because of a terrible depression spell. I just wanted to die but I didn't go to work. I just lay in bed and they didn't do anything apart from give me a 5 minute talk to see if they could do anything for me.

My job is so cruisie, it's not funny. It's so easy and I also get to use my programming skills there! The people (even bosses) are good. I think they keep me on because I'm such a good programmer and have saved them a HUGE amount of money through the software that I've written for them as well as the 800% productivity increase that resulted from one of the programs I wrote. They never approach me and I just get to sit at my desk doing my own thing (work of course - and a little bit of Special Interest indulgence ;) )

I'm happy to be earning the stuff I need to survive there. Money unfortunately! (I am in no way materialistic!)

Oh, also, everyone there knows I'm an Aspie (mostly due to the fact that I wear my "Aspie" T-shirt to work ) and ever since certain people have found out (one woman mainly), they've been extra nice to me but with some of them (the woman), it feels a little unintentionally condescending. It's almost like they're talking to a child since they found out. I have noticed a shift in people's behavior towards me once they found out I've got Asperger's. I don't know what their experiences are with Autism but I'm bloody glad they're nice about it.


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Formally diagnosed in 2007.

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02 Jan 2015, 11:09 am

I technically have two jobs so I'll do one of each.

Job #1 - Laborer at a local flower nursery.

-It can get pretty tiring after a long day
-Sometimes it is so hot that I down all the Gatorade/Poweraid I have and down more Gatorade from the vending machine and it still isn't enough.
-Loading large orders of bags of soil, mulch, or manure into peoples vehicles and they don't tip. Like the time I loaded about 30 bags into someones car between two trips and I got squat in tips. :evil: I mean, I loaded two bags into a car one time and got a $5 tip! *rant over*

Doesn't suck
-I usually work alone.
-The places I sometimes work is the area that customers are not allowed so no one really bothers me.
-The times a customer asked a question, I was able to answer it or refer them to someone else and they were thankful.
-Overall nice customers.
-If the hours are good, the pay days are good. :)

Job #2 - E-commerce seller on Ebid and Bonanza.

-Customers chewing me down on already fair prices.
-Customers not realizing how much it costs to ship something.
-Customers not reading the description properly or not reading it at all, basically see the picture and buy without reading the description for any flaws, issues, etc.
-The post office losing or messing up something with a shipment.
-Having to call customer service regarding a problem.

Doesn't suck
-Only one employed is me! :D
-Going out 'picking' for inventory.
-Making large profits on low investment items.
-Finding out something you didn't pay much for is worth quite a bit of money.
-Seeing all of my items find new homes all around the country and even the world and where they go.
-I keep all profits when expenses are taken care of.
-Have made quite a nice piece of change to put into my savings.