I've mentioned before that I'm the backup receptionist where I work, and that I don't really like working as a receptionist and don't feel I'm very good at it, feel uncomfortable and like I don't think very well on my feet, etc.
Anyway, today while I was covering for the regular receptionist during lunch, the IT guy came over and told me that there was going to be another training sessiong for a new machine that came in Friday, and that the regular receptionist needed to go to it so I needed to fill in for him whenever the trainer finally got there.
This was OK, but I felt the need to ask the receptionist when he got back, if I could go get some coffee or something from the (coffee company that's on every block here) before he went to his training, if the trainer was even there (which they weren't). I could have sat up there with some water, but no, I had to have a coffee or tea drink and get out of the office for a few minutes before extending my stay up thre. (It turned out the trainer didn't get there today anyway).
Is this an Aspie trait? Someone was saying sometimes Aspies can't get needs met in 15 minute or half hour increments (not that NT"s always can either, but it's harder for Aspies) so I wondered if this means I really do have AS. Could I mention something like this if I go to be diagnosed again?