Any Aspie Artists who have jobs in Art?

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 May 2015, 4:12 am

Hi! I would like to know if there are any Aspies who have a career in the Art field. I have seriously thought about putting my artwork out there but I don't have any connections. I was suggested maybe having an Esty page? The only two places I have that display my art are: Devianart and my Facebook page "Sissy's Toons Page". I have been drawing in the Japanese art style for many years to which I enjoy and was told to stick with it as it's really good. Any ideas on how I can sell my art as well as build up more designing techniques? I've always wanted to be a Comic book artist, yet I don't quite understand the paneling. With whatever ideas I do get from life I try to write them down. I'd love to hear other Artistic Aspies thoughts, stories, careers, ideas, etc.
Many Thanks!!:) :wink:


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14 May 2015, 3:14 pm

I don't know any aspie artists who do it full-time and make a living of it (which is pretty much impossible, autism or not), but I do know some hobby artists with autism... Autism can give you some special creative skills and we make good artists.

If you want to sell your artwork, an Etsy or Deviantart profile is not enough - unless you have extraordinary skills in visual arts and crafts, and the artwork will sell itself. To sell your artwork, you probably need to contact art gallerys or try to sell it to graphic designers who needs drawings and art for their project (like magazines, web sites and such).

Like I said, making a living out of your art is very difficult, as the competition is very tough, and you need to be VERY good at what you're doing, i.e. be completely consumed by it and spending 60+ hours a week drawing, painting and training.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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14 May 2015, 4:21 pm

Thank you for your response.
I appreciate your honesty very much. I would really put myself in the hobby artist category. I haven't been drawing for a few years; as I have been working full time and am socially exhausted and have been a huge procrastinator at drawing much of anything. As a kid, I would spend at the most 6 hours drawing at the kitchen table. Even if I can't sell my art; I can make artist trading cards, learn different forms of art besides the cartoons.
Perhaps, others can see my art in a different way. Even if it's just one or a few close people.
Thanks again!:)

Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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14 May 2015, 10:41 pm

Nice work! :D

There are some other places that you can sell artwork like Redbubble. Sometimes it is a matter of having a decent number of pieces online so people can see your work together. Other places I know cartoon artists and graphic designers/illustrators sell their work or showcase it would be Tumblr, Deviant Art, Pinterest etc.

I worked as a costume designer when I was younger. I taught at a local college theater department and designed for various shows around the region. It was rewarding creative work. The only reason I changed careers was that we had two young kids and I could make more money working in marketing. That job was creative but not in the way designing costumes and shows was.

I do some art now as a hobby. Mostly painting when I can find time.


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14 May 2015, 10:47 pm

Not sure I'd call myself an artist in light of how creative many of my friends can be, though when I get chances to work in digital arts I really enjoy it. Mixing down recordings is great fun when I help my buddies with critiques, afterthoughts & retouching.

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22 May 2015, 6:25 pm

Not certain im on the spectrum waiting for test. Im on the verge of setting an art business up. Mental health has held me back somewhat recently. I did a little pencil drawing at school,struggled painting wasnt very good at it. I struggled with the difference between pencil and a paint brush and how different they were. I would go years without drawing a decade or so at one point. I always wanted to learn to paint but struggled in education. I had a big printed canvas on my wall that i was going to throw out. I had the idea of painting it after seeing an image i liked of a superhero i painted the canvas black and used the negative light to create a painting. People seemed to like it and i continued painting from there. Its my new OCD passion and it seems to be leading me onto the path of setting a business up. I struggle painting stuff im not interested in so i just paint things i like. Any paintings so far ive either got them framed and put up in my place,or gave them as christmas gifts,birthday gifts to friends and relatives or gave them to charitable causes to raise funds. If i eventually get the business up and running im only going to take on projects that interest me. It will mainly be based on portraits etc. the superhero stuff is just for fun. Been painting 17 months from my first painting till now. It can be done.