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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 8 Mar 2015
Posts: 37

01 Jun 2015, 12:13 pm

I use these forums a lot for advice and help when I encounter problems so I felt I would just balance it out by sharing a positive story.

Today I had a work experience interview for the BBC. It was my first ever job interview and when I woke up this morning I was really quite scared. I was convinced I wouldn't be able to do it, I wouldn't be able to make eye contact, I would lose my words and get more and more stressed as I watched this thing I wanted so much crash and burn before me.

But I didn't.

I set off an hour early so I wasn't panicked. I'd been sure to note down all the instructions beforehand and pick out my clothes. And when I got there I was able smile and make eye contact when the interviewer spoke to me. I didn't forget my words.

I had the odd occasion where I was a little unsure of the question near the beginning but that smoothed out a lot as it went on. And although I made a few mistakes and possibly talked a little too long at one point, but the end of it I felt I had done well.

I told the interviewer before we started that I had Aspergers, the only question he asked about it was at the end of the interview when he asked me what were the positive sides to Aspergers. Which was a good way of me being able to talk about my strengths and I think it went down well.

I feel particularly pleased because he asked me to send him a copy of my most recent student film, and the work experience placement is for radio, which make me hope, a little, that maybe he was interested in me as a person. And that maybe he would be willing to give me advice later on when it comes to a career in media and film.

Either way, I wanted to share this because the last time I got a job interview I ended up not going. It's taken me a while to adapt to the mentality that I can cope with this, even if it goes wrong. And I did. It's possible to do it, though sometimes it takes work. And I am really freaking proud of myself because this morning I woke up convinced I wouldn't be able to get a career in media and film that I would have to do something different because I wouldn't be able to cope.

Tonight I feel like a media career is feasible, like I could actually be good at it and have something people want to see.

I've taken a lot of knocks, I had to leave my first university and I had to start part time at my current one to adapt. But now I finally have a diagnosis, I know what my limits are, and I'm beginning to learn that although I'm still going to find some things more difficult than other people, today I proved to myself I can still do it.

I just wanted to share a positive story because I know I like finding them to boost me up when I'm feeling low.


Joined: 2 Mar 2015
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02 Jun 2015, 8:46 am

Thanks for sharing this!

I would have laid down flat on the floor and died if I got a job interview at the BBC. Fingers crossed for you!