For an update.... I endured one of the hardest days of my working life lol. My boss was on my ass all day. Then the next day, the same thing, only toned down a bit. I shut down both days and start making mistakes, but I make it through...
My boss is bitter and angry, frustrated at her life and I'd make the assumption that she hates her job. She doesn't know how to ask for help, so she takes her frustrations out on other people as a way to say "I'm hurting, I'm angry..." All her bullsh*t isn't about me, I shouldn't take it personal, or I'm just as bad as she is. Shrug it off. Every time she's being a B.... it's not my problem...... angry bitter people aren't out to get anyone, they're just crying for help in a really destructive way.
In terms of the noise she creates that shorts out my brain, that's another story. Best I can do is try to tune it out, nod politely, etc....
In terms of her behavior being moral and appropriate, not my problem. Every time she yells and gets upset and berates and humiliates, she sinks deeper into her own quicksand.... I can probably lessen her rage if I ask her about her day and see if she vents, but she’s still just too much noise for me. Bitter angry people are simply too noisy.
?Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.?