How to avoid my mistakes in my new job
I was wondering if people have some advice for my current situation.
I graduated university last year as was able to find a job relatively quickly. I was quite excited and moved to a different city quite far from my home town. It turned out to be the worst decision ever. The tasks of the job were not demanding at all and often I found myself wasting away time and performing terribly dull tasks. I was not allowed to invent my own projects to do on the side and the intellectual aspects of the job was badly suited.
The social side however I could not cope with at all. I felt like everything I did was commented on negatively and there was no positive feedback. My junior position was seen as lesser and people treated me as a lesser being. This might have of course been just my perception, but it did not sit well with me and made my working day awful.
On top of this I had to share a flat with a co-worker because I did not earn enough to pay for something for myself. I was in the center of the city which was constantly overloading my senses and the flat share was not a good match.
Around April I decided to quit and find a different job and after talking to HR I managed to get a good deal. I found a different job, more rural and (from what I can tell) more intellectually demanding.
Sounds good so far.
However, I always had panic attacks and usually have about 1-2 severe ones a year. (Meltdowns, whatever they might be called) From January until May I had about 6-7 and when I went to stay with my parents for the holidays it escalated. I had daily (severe) attacks, going for a walk in this small town was too much and I could not meet up with friends. At one point my parents were thinking of having me committed because it was going that bad.
After talks with many doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists I managed to get things stable enough to finish my current job and I am looking forward to moving in a month to my new situation.
How do I manage to stop this cycle from repeating? I understand that a lot of my issues were with the job and since the interview was during my bad turn I was forced to tell my new employer of my diagnosis. But what can I do to make this job work without these attacks and anxiety issues?
tl;dr What to do different in my new job after having a terrible experience during my first job out of college
I'm sorry, I don't know how to avoid being impacted by a negative work environment. Some people are good at keeping things in perspective and not becoming overwhelmed. I'm not, I cope by focusing on doing things I love as much as possible. I hope your new job is a more positive environment and more enjoyable work. Making sure you have other things in your life you enjoy may help some.