Should I return to my old job???
Hi I am having a lot of trouble with a decision and was hoping someone might have some sound advice, over the last year my condition has deteriorated to the point where I felt no option other than to return to the dsp, I was given a roster 1year ago with staggered starting and finishing times every day and despite my protests that I would not cope with it and several heated discussions my boss stuck to it, I have also been called spastic, ret*d, special, queer and dick head on a almost daily basis, I admit I am erratic and strange but am a hard and good worker if im treated right, they are a lot nicer now when I go in and have invited me to return for casual hours, it seems like a no brainer and I like them as people but something gives me a bad vibe I don't know if it's anxiety or intuition.
I think it good to think twice. Hard to say what to do in your situation. I had a similar experience, and i really regret returning to my job. The boss were always after me, but first time i quit the job because of being underpaid. When i came back, my boss were even worse. I ended up with quitting the job again, because of the boss bullied me as the reason.
If it's something similar where someone bullied you before on the job, i won't recommend you to return if the "bully/bullies" is still there.
A bit more of my story that explains my reasoning:
My boss were a real **** against me, even before i quit the first time. First time i quit, were because of being underpaid.
Then later i returned, because of one of my coworkers wanted me back, cause i meant i were a good worked.
Hoped it would be better when i returned to my job, but it didn't. My boss were always critising me, and i weren't able to talk back to him. He yelled at me too often without reason. When someone more social then me talked to me, he came yelling to me. I usually liked to work without talking, but ofcause had to talk if some of the more social workers talked to me.
He always found some way to pick on me. He probably singled me out, because i weren't able to talk back at him. He often came yelling at me and called me idiot and asked what were wrong with me. If i made a mistake that even others had done before me, i really got to hear what an idiot i were. Or if he thought i could do my work better doing after his recommendations, he also yelled at me. And his suggestion were usually of the stupid kind, that made the job go slower, so i usaually did it his way till he were out of sight. Were so bad that i were consider suicide for a long time.
One day i were trying to explain something to an immigrant that had problem with understanding our language, and my boss came yelling at me for wasting the time by talking. That's when i got enough, and luckily i just got enough, and quit my job. I'm a bit hypersensitive and don't take critic too well. I can take some critic, and it might only ruined a day or 2. But being constantly ripped on, were really hard for me. So getting away from that job, really made my life much better.
Yeah its a very hard one because it was only ever really the owner doing it everyone else is fine his wife ups him for it all the time but he always seems to go back to it if she isnt around or even if he is under a lot of stress, but in the last week or 2 he has neen extremelg nice and I was thinking maybe he has changed or gained some understanding
Only thing is they all already know about my level of skill and speed, I was his best cutter by far, thats why I wonder if he is just sucking up because he needs me rather than because he regrets being a ass, because if the former is true he will fall back in no time, but if the latter is true he might just act like a good person from now on period, the more I think about it the more questions it raises
You could go back temporarily until you find something better.
I agree with Helge. If someone has bullied you before, they or someone else will do it again.
If you don't pay attention to anything except your responsibilities and do your best, you should be fine for some time.
But it's good to always be looking around in case you need to get another job quickly or in case something much better comes along.