I have this job and every once in a while I end up in a rather intense conflict with a coworker. I always knew my reaction was a bit strong, but I felt this was justified because the other party (different people on different occasions) was acting completely irrational and just wrong.
(Maybe you see where this story is heading... )
I've been struggling with depression and anxiety and was recently diagnosed as having an Autism Spectrum Disorder. To me this was a total surprise. (Yes, I am that thick)
So I got into another conflict at work (it's a pattern) and afterwards I started analyzing it using this new found theory about me having problems with certain changes and with unclear instructions and me being not so good at assessing sensitive situations. A.k.a me being on the spectrum. And guess what...
That was exactly what had happened.
I was confronted with a change I had not anticipated, said change was not communicated to me clearly and the change was affecting the other person emotionally too, which I failed to notice.
So instead of escalating the conflict any further, I was able to take a step back and apologize to my co-worker for my behaviour the next day. After that we were able to talk about what happened and why.
Did I just experience a mature conflict resolution?!
I am an acquired taste.