There is a weird trick I learned reading about this very subject. I found this idea at the following link:
http://www.angermanagementnewsnetwork.c ... f-control/
I learned that when I start feeling really angry, start writing with your non-dominant hand. It tricks your brain into dropping anything energy consuming (like anger) and refocuses it on the physical activity that takes concentration. It is weird, but it can work if you want it to work. If you really want to stay angry, it may not be helpful.
Also, if you can, wear ear buds with music playing (if possible), or try ear plugs to dampen the noise. I am so dysfunctional in a noisy area also. I understand your anger response. You are likely not angry at them, but at the way it is making it hard to function. It is an important distinction. Problem solving is a little easier when you have the correct perspective.