Working in groups
I decided to post in this section as although I'm currently at uni doing Occupational Therapy (started 7wks ago), my course does lead to me being a qualified OT supposedly ready to go out and practice as one and will likely include situations that I'm likely to encounter and have to deal with during my course. Also, I figured there might be people here that already have to deal with similar situations in their work that might be able to relate to my difficulties and maybe have some advice. Sometimes just hearing others relating to you helps a bit though.
The panic and stress I'm having at the moment is next tues we begin our 'Collaborative Practice Module' which entails a mixture of all the Interprofessional Programme students (nurses, OT's, radiographers...) in seminar groups of 30, for 3 seminar days and 2 'events weeks' which include 2 face to face teaching days and 2 directed study days. This obviously means meeting a lot of new people, having to try to interact and work collaboratively with them, dealing with new situations, increased stress with work load and trying to organise, manage and keep on top of that...
Two of our seminars are next week (tues and thurs) and my anxiety isn't being helped by looking at the timetable for tues which includes 'ice breakers' and 'communication exercises' .
I'm just starting to get used to settling in with my OT specific modules and the people in my group for those :-s .